At Dunnville Christian School, students develop their abilities as leaders through serving one another to become humble servant leaders in God’s world. Students are taught to keep their eyes on the perfect servant leader, Jesus Christ, who taught us that “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matt 20:26b-28).
Leadership Teams are a great practical way for students in Grades 4-8 to get involved in being part of God’s story by caring for our wonderful school and community. We have many varied Leadership Teams at DCS. There is something for everyone.
At the beginning of the year, students decide which teams they would like to apply for and fill out two applications, then wait to see if they will get an interview. Once the interviews are complete, students wait to see if they got the job. |
This process is so important and teaches students key skills they will need for their future. Students develop confidence in interviews, feel the excitement of being hired as part of a team and take pride in participating in something bigger than themselves! It is awesome as a staff to see each student use their talents and strengths to work together as a team, to help around the building and care for younger students.
Some of the Leadership Teams include:
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTStudents are also encouraged to be servants in their greater community, with field trips or class projects and initiatives reinforcing this concept through organizations such as:
STUDENT COUNCILStudent Council is made up of six students: two each from Grades 6-8. These students plan fun events for the students to enjoy, under the direction of a staff member. Some events are Spirit Days, Winter Carnival, hot chocolate sales, candy cane sales, and freezie sales. Students are appointed to the council by the staff.
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIESThere are many other ways that students are encouraged to grow in responsibility and leadership. Many primary classrooms assign a helper of the day with a fun name (such as “Happy Helper” or “Star of the Day”), encouraging each student to take turns being responsible for a serving role in their classroom. Senior classes often participate in programs and activities like Reading Buddies, Chapel Families and Primary Field Day where they are the leader of their particular group, responsible for mentoring and guiding the younger students in each activity.